
sulphur skeletons & grey overheads on plastic floors & walls

& the sounds of impotent songs

blaring into your ears & organs sweating hundreds of things &

grasping words from tired throats & deathly glassed eyes & bright teeth

& so many choices & concessions & compromising for what,

but a slower death & a softer landing & choosing Life

in solitude I try to foster clarity yet

to feel in earnest is to accept a horrible yearning & a horrible suffering & let tears dry & explode

explosion in madness, in orgasm, in pain

I've felt them all & still the space between observer and observed remains

watching thoughts pass & invigorate the soul/flesh bodies: "I", "I", "I",

like a masochistic habit, I am reminded I am alone again and again,

even in the psyche, foggy clouds drown out sharp lines

to touch another is to stroke a solitary heart the same as I,

a ghost in a shell, begging to share air in a raw Living always a layer away